Saturday, June 12, 2010

I am a really bad blogger ...

So ... I have been terrible about posting during our first year of marriage. We always seemed to be busy with something! I am really going to try to do better during our second year. Here are some catchup photos:
Dave graduated from A&M! So proud of him!

Jessica graduated from Texas! Congrats!

My wonderful students on my 23rd birthday!

Our first Christmas as a married couple!

Got our taxes done! A BIG accomplishment! Thanks Daddy Webb!
Enjoying a wedding with my teacher friends! So glad we survived this year!

And finally, our one year anniversary celebration! We decided to cruise to Mexico for a week to get some much needed relaxation!

About to enjoy our cake!

We demolished the cake! It was better than a year ago! :)
Loving our cruise!

Dave with the ship.

Formal night.
Here's to the many more years of marriage ahead of us!